Meet Kyma Fulgence


My company has had the pleasure of collaborating with Kyma Fulgence for the past 4 years. Kyma has been an artist instructor for my program, Healing Through the Arts, which is a partnership between Mariposa Arts and the Delaware Art Museum. We have been so honored that Kyma shares her artistry through Community Events for HTA. It is a unique experience to hear her drumming & play other instruments, use her voice to gently guide her audience into a place of peace, reflection and healing.
— Vanesa Simon, Founder & Director, Healing Through the Arts

Looking to book Kyma to speak at your next conference, retreat, event? We would love to hear from you. Click here to visit our contact page.

Kyma Fulgence, has 20 years of experience in the field of early education that encompass a variety of roles in center-based and home-based care. She owned and operated a Large Family Child Care facility in the city of Wilmington for 10 years. While working in her business, she formed and led the city of Wilmington’s Family Child Care support group for over five years. In the group she would speak to many home based child care educators who verbalized their feelings of burnout and feelings of being overwhelmed. She related personally with these feelings, which led to her embarking on a daily practice of meditation to relieve her stress.

Kyma was amazed at how just 5 minutes of meditation a day enabled her to feel relief in her work, and this led her on the path of learning more about mindful practices that eventually helped to calm her nervous system and lesson the impact of her own childhood traumas on her emotional well-being. She was able to transfer her personal experiences and learning to her professional services in teaching and beyond. In 2022, after transitioning to consultant work with DIEEC (Delaware Institute for Excellence in Early Childhood/University of Delaware), she was a part of the team that created and facilitated the “Shining the Light on You”, wellness program for home based child care educators. Her work with the program was published in the August 2022 issue of the Delaware Journal of Public Health, pp. 42-47, she is credited as one of the authors.

Kyma founded Teach Zen Inc in 2023, after recognizing that more focus and supports are needed around enhancing the emotional skills and resilience of young children and those who care for them. She is celebrated in her community as someone who creates safe spaces for all to feel supported and nurtured. Kyma has partnered with many community organizations throughout the state of Delaware to assist with the social-emotional well-being of the community. She willingly and lovingly shares her life experience of healing through trauma with educators and those who directly impact children of all ages. Some examples of community partners she’s collaborated with include Wilmington Alliance, Delaware Art Museum, Trauma Matters Delaware, Network Connect, Black Mothers In Power, etc. Kyma dreams of a world where everyone has the skills to support each other emotionally and where children are loved and nurtured in the ways that matters most.